گیتار باس الکتریک ۵ سیم فرناندز Fernandes Bass Tremor 5X SBK Tony Campos

گیتار باس الکتریک ۵ سیم فرناندز Fernandes Bass Tremor 5X SBK Tony Campos

مدل: (Tremor 5X SBK T Campos)
وضعیت: موجود
برند محصول: فرناندز | Fernandes

Bone crushing, earth shaking power and guttural bass growl. What else could a Tremor produce? It's trademark design, state of the art components and powerful warm tone it has become the choice for a new generation of low-end pioneers. The Tremor X is the no-frills rock bass that features a

  • Solid Alder body
  • Bolt on maple neck
  • 24-fret Maple fingerboard 
  • SFB humbuckers for bone-crushing tone
  • Two volumes and master tone



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