گیتار آکوستیک پیکاپدار تنگلوود Tanglewood Acoustic Guitar TW5 E BS

گیتار آکوستیک پیکاپدار تنگلوود Tanglewood Acoustic Guitar TW5 E BS

مدل: (TW5 E BS)
وضعیت: موجود
برند محصول: تنگلوود | Tanglewood

گیتار آکوستیک کاتوی پیکاپ دار تنگلوود مدل TW5 E BS


شکل بدنه: Cutaway Dreadnought

چوب صفحه رو: Solid Mahagany

چوب صفحه پشت: Mahogany

چوب کناری: Mahogany

چوب رویی دسته و پل: Techwood

پوشش روی بدنه ساز: براق

پیکاپ: TW Premium Plus


گیتار آکوستیک تنگلوود سازی با طراحی کلاسیک و از مجموعه چوب های قدرتمندی ساخته شده است. فرم بدنه ی Super Folk، صفحه رویی Solid Mahagany، چوب کناری و پشت Mahogany آن را به سازی قدرتمند و همه جانبه تبدیل کرده است. این فرم بدنه صدایی پخته و قوی را ارائه می‌دهد که می‌تواند باعث شود اجرایی جسورانه و پر طنین داشته باشید.


تنگلوود (Tanglewood) یک برند واقع در کشور انگلستان است که با هدف تولید سازهایی ارزشمند با قابلیت نوازندگی استثنائی تاسیس شده است و از طراحی های نوآورانه و روس های ساخت سنتی و معاصر برای رسیدن به این هدف استفاده کرده است. می‌توان گفت پوشش مات برخی مدل‌های تنگلوود امروزه به یک امضای شاخص و برجسته تبدیل شده است اما در میان مدل‌های دیگر این برند پوشش براق نیز وجود دارد. تنگلوود اکنون در بیش از 60 کشور جهان حضور دارد و گیتار‌های این برند قابلیت برآورده کردن هر نوع سبک و نیاز و نوازندگی را دارد.




Tanglewood TRD HR Acoustic Guitar


shape: Cutaway Dreadnought

Top:Solid Mahagany

Back: Mahogany

Sides: Mahogany

Fingerboard: Techwood

Bridge: Techwood

Nut Width: 43mm

Scale Length: 650mm

Finish: Black Shadow Gloss

Electronics: TW Premium Plus


The Winterleaf TW5 E BS guitar is a captivating acoustic-electric instrument that seamlessly combines an elegant design with exceptional tonal qualities. Featuring a Super Folk size body shape, this guitar offers a comfortable and versatile playing experience, making it suitable for a wide range of musicians.


A standout feature of the TW4 E BS is its all-mahogany construction, boasting a mahogany top, back, and sides. Mahogany is renowned for its warm, well-balanced, and rich tonal characteristics. The all-mahogany body imparts a lush, full-bodied sound with a clear, articulate response, making it well-suited for a variety of playing styles. Whether you’re strumming chords or fingerpicking, this guitar offers a versatile and expressive tonal palette.


The inclusion of the Tanglewood Premium Plus EQ system elevates the TW4 E BS to a stage-ready instrument. This advanced electronics system provides precise control over your amplified sound, allowing you to sculpt your tone to perfection. Whether you’re performing on stage, recording in the studio, or simply practicing at home, the Premium Plus EQ system ensures that your guitar sounds its best in any setting.


The Winterleaf TW4 E BS guitar is a visually pleasing and sonically impressive instrument that beautifully blends classic design with exceptional sound. With its all-mahogany construction and the Tanglewood Premium Plus EQ system, it’s ready to shine whether you’re playing acoustically or amplified. Whether you’re a seasoned musician or just beginning your musical journey, the TW4 E BS is a reliable and inspiring companion that encourages you to explore your unique musical voice with grace and style.


Tanglewood Guitar Company was established in England in the latter part of the 20th century. Charged with an ambition to create a portfolio of instruments offering exceptional value and playability, Tanglewood utilised innovative design and both traditional and contemporary manufacturing procedures in order to achieve this goal.


Our legendary Tanglewood satin finish has become a staple design signature that is immediately recognisable, however, in the current model line up there are also many high gloss instruments. Tanglewood is also now recognised for our fine Ukulele, Classical, Banjo and Folk Instrument offerings alongside our award winning 6 string acoustic guitars.


Now distributed in over 60 countries globally, winner of the Music Industry UK’s All Time Best Selling Acoustic Guitars award, Tanglewood still push to innovate and add value. Our latest Tiare series, for example, introduces quality instruments crafted from exotic timbers at affordable prices.


Tanglewood love to excite and inspire players the world over, with consummate craftsmanship & reliability, whether that be an Acoustic Bass, a Dreadnought Electro, a Single Cut Solid Body Electric or a Tenor Ukulele.

Whatever model you require, Tanglewood always have an instrument to fulfil your desire, and you can be sure in the knowledge that a Tanglewood instrument is a quality instrument…

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